Women exiting incarceration are housed in one of our two transitional housing programs: Maya’s Place in Albuquerque and The Pavilions in Los Lunas.
Each 26-bed therapeutic community offers safe, structured living for women emerging from incarceration.
Clients receive wrap-around services, including: case management, family support, vocational services, and groups focused on recovery and mental health. The client will need to commit to a 1-year program.
Children and partners CANNOT live with clients. Facilities are MATS friendly per federal regulations.
To qualify for Maya’s Place or The Pavilions a woman must:
- Be a client of NMCD Probation and Parole, Pre-Trial*, or Federal*
- Have a mental health diagnosis
- Have a drug or alcohol addiction
*Maya’s Place ONLY
If you have a client interested in applying to our transitional housing programs, please complete the checklist here and then fill out the application provided here. Please send your application to applications@crossroadsabq.org
Once the application is received by our staff an interview will be scheduled. A determination will be made soon thereafter.
Questions? Email: applications@crossroadsabq.org
Maya’s Place and The Pavilions do not accept collect calls from correctional facilities.