At Crossroads for Women, we believe women can recover from trauma and painful experiences; women have the ability to heal and move on with their lives; and everyone deserve new starts and second chances.
We provide housing and trauma-informed therapeutic services with a gender-responsive approach for women across seven domains: legal, independent living, medical, substance abuse, mental health, vocational, and family.
Our specialized model is based on acknowledging the primary importance of relationships in the lives of women, and addressing the challenges of their pasts, presents, and futures.
Transitional Housing
Women exiting incarceration are housed in one of our two transitional housing programs: Maya’s Place in Albuquerque and The Pavilions in Los Lunas. Each 26-bed therapeutic community offers safe, structured living for women emerging from incarceration. Clients receive trauma-informed therapeutic services, including: case management, family support, vocational services, and groups focused on recovery and mental health.
Learn more about our Transitional Housing Programs.
Supportive Housing
We also offer permanent supportive housing to homeless women with co-occurring disorders through the Bernalillo County Community Connections Housing Program. Women are placed in safe apartments and homes in Albuquerque while receiving wrap-around services, including: case management, family support, vocational services, and groups focused on recovery and mental health.
Learn more about our Supportive Housing Program.
Peer Drop-In (PDI)
We offer peer support services for women and men, 18 and older, with a behavioral health issue who are having difficulty accessing care. Clients receive Drop-in and monthly peer support for a variety of needs that includes support related to wellness and recovery, housing, employment, legal, food and clothing, building community supports and relationships, family needs, weekly groups and more.