New Board Chair & Vice Chair Selected

Two new members have been selected to serve on our Board of Directors. They are:

Liz McGrathLiz McGrath as board chair. Until her retirement in mid-2017, McGrath was the Executive Director of Pegasus Legal Services for Children. She founded Pegasus with co-director Tara Ford in 2003. McGrath has spent her career working on behalf of individual children and youth, and advocating for legislative and policy changes that benefit children, youth and their care givers. She was instrumental in the conception, drafting, and passage of the 2001 Kinship Guardianship Act. McGrath has a Juris Doctorate degree from the University of New Mexico School of Law and a bachelor’s degree from Hampshire College. Currently, Liz’s work focuses on supporting Pegasus through grant writing and fundraising, serving as Vice-Chair of the Commission on Access to Justice, and other projects.

Deanna ArchuletaDeanna Archuleta as vice chair. Archuleta currently leads a consulting group working with private and nonprofit entities, helping them navigate both federal and state and local government systems with a focus on Environmental issues related to water and energy. Archuleta served in the US Department of the Interior from 2008-2012. She served as a Chair and Member of the Albuquerque-Bernalillo County Water Utility from 2008-2009 and also served as a Bernalillo County Commissioner from 2005-2009. Archuleta has a master’s and PhD (ABD) in sociology from the University of New Mexico.


Find out more about our Board of Directors here.

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