Day Program Coordinator Celebrates 7 Years at CRFW

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis month marks the 7 year work anniversary of CRFW’s Day Program Coordinator, Joe Puleo! Joe has been with Crossroads for Women since April, 2008 and has seen Crossroads grow and change as he has; he started out as a Therapist and is now the Day Program Coordinator, managing the application process, coordinating guest speakers for weekly groups sessions and facilitating both the Life Skills and Recovery groups at CRFW.

Crossroads is special to Joe because of the organization’s great compassion. He says “the human element does not get lost” at Crossroads and the result is that women are supported in making positive change in their lives. Joe’s greatest accomplishment has been seeing the women he has counseled evolve out of cycles of abuse and addiction and grow into self-reliant, strong people who work hard to break the cycle of homelessness and incarceration for themselves and their children.

Please join us in thanking Joe for his 7 years of kindness, understanding, and dedication to the women and children of day_program_joe_puleoCrossroads for Women! Thank you Joe!

–Written by Maureen Horton, CRFW Volunteer

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